Traditionally y is a function of x and hence it is dependent. Graphically as well various values of x result in corresponding values of y; showing the dependence of y on x.
The dependent variable is on the vertical y axis and the independent on the horizontal x axis In the equation for example y = 3x then y is dependent on the independent variable x
You can tell which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable by changing the equation into an "if/then" statement. Example: y = 3x In this example, x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable. If you give me x, I will tell you y. If x = 1, then y = 3 If x = 2, then y = 6 So you give me the independent variable, and then I will be able to determine the dependent variable.
The independent variable is plotted on the horizontal axis, or x axis. The dependent variable, or response variable is plotted on the vertical axis, or y axis.
The dependent variable is usually plotted on the "y" or ordinal axis.
Yes, and the independent variable is on the x-axis.
"If y=2x, then x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable." Also, " If x=y/2 then y is the independent variable and x is the dependent variable". Also, "The dependent variable is the one variable which is found by giving values to all the independent variables"
the y-axis is the dependent variable and the x-axis is the independent variable.
Say y = x2 y is the dependent variable, x is the independent variable.
The dependent variable is on the y axis.
The dependent variable is on the vertical y axis and the independent on the horizontal x axis In the equation for example y = 3x then y is dependent on the independent variable x
The standard notation is to make y the dependent variable in linear regression.
If x causes changes in y, for example 23x3 =y then x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable.
It depends on what you are looking at. If you want to look at changes in variable Y when a variable X is changed, then X is the independent variable and Y is the dependent. But if you want to look at changes in X which accompany changes in Y, then Y is the independent variable and X is the dependent.
The dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its values as for example in the straight line equation: y = 2x+1 It is y that is the dependent variable and x the independent variable.
The dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its values as for example in the straight line equation y = 2x+6 whereas y is the dependent variable and x is the independent variable
The dependent variable is graphed on the y-axis.
Any variable can be declared as the independent variable, then the other would be the dependent variable. However, it is quite common to arbitrarily define y as the dependent variable - a variable that depends on x.