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An irrational number is included in the Venn diagram of real numbers. The subsets of the set of the real numbers are: The set of all natural numbers, N; the set of all whole numbers, W; the set of all integers, I; the set of all rational numbers, Q; and the set of all Irrational Numbers, S. It is obvious that N is a subset of W, W is a subset of I, and I is a subset of Q, but similar relationship doesn't hold between Q and S. However, this fact does not mean that irrational numbers are not in the Venn diagram, because they are also real numbers as well.

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Q: Why isn't an irrational number included in the Venn diagram of Families of numbers?
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What is the schematic diagram of the real number?

It is not possible to produce a schematic diagram on this rubbish browser. But, the main hierarchy is as follows: Real numbers consist of irrational and rational numbers.Irrational numbers consist of algebraic numbers and transcendental numbers. Rational numbers consist of Integers and non-integers. Integers consist of natural (or counting) numbers and negative numbers.