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  • Because power dissipated in rl circuit is given by p= 1/2(Li²)+ i²R which will give a curve and not a linear graph. Secondly the graph is a cosine curve ,with a phase difference between current and voltage. Hence the waveform is not symmetrical to x-axis .
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Q: Why power waveform is not symmetrical to X-Axis in R-L circuit?
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The frequency of the power waveform in a capacitive circuit, or for that matter, an inductive circuit, is the same as the input voltage or current. Its just that the current leads the voltage (capacitor) or lags the voltage (inductor) by a phase angle, the cosine of which is the power factor. It does not matter how many sine waves you have, or what their phase angle is; if they all have the same frequency, the resultant, by Fourier analysis, is still a sine wave of the same frequency.

What will happen to the circuit if the power supply is change from AC to DC?

This depends on the circuit in question. If the circuit only has resistors and maybe incandescent light bulbs, then with an equvalent RMS voltage of AC, to the previous DC, the circuit will behave almost the same. If the circuit has components such as capacitors and inductors, then the current will be shifted to flow at a waveform which no longer matches the voltage waveform. If you're talking about a circuit which was designed to run on a 12 volt battery, then you go and plug it into the wall, it will probably break, as the equivalent voltage causes a much higher current than these components were designed to handle.

What is the power factor of a DC system?

It would be unity, or 1.0. Since the voltage in a DC circuit does not vary with time, there can be no phase displacement of the current waveform, and therefore the current could not lead or lag the voltage waveform.

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Power Factor is the relationship between the phase of the current and voltage which are each sine waves. When there is an inductance in a circuit the AC current waveform tends to lag the voltage. This causes a phase difference which reduces the Power Factor from a maximum of one to something less.

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ferro-resonant power supply?

What is the function of the triggering circuit in an oscilloscope?

It's for analyzing aperiodic waveforms. An aperiodic waveform is one that occurs at...well, random intervals. The sine wave of a powerline is a periodic waveform: it runs all the time, so the period of the wave is either 0.0166 seconds (60 Hz power), 0.02 seconds (50 Hz power) or 0.0025 seconds (400 Hz aircraft power). If the wave just comes up whenever it feels like it, that's an aperiodic waveform, and it's much easier to analyze them if the sweep only starts at the beginning of a wave.

Why there is no such thing as RMS or watts RMS?

There is such a thing as "RMS power", but it's not useful for anything, so don't use the term. No one measures the RMS of the power waveform. What they do is measure the RMS of a voltage waveform, and then use that to derive the averagepower. The correct term is "average power", not "RMS power". You could measure the RMS of the power waveform instead of the average, but your measurement would be 1.2 times too high.

What type of electrical waveform is produced by a Ferroresonant Power Supply?

Sine wave

How the circuit work of power supply?

A DC power supply is the following components: 1) A step down transformer to reduce the incoming 120 (or 240) V to a lower level, say 12VAC. 2) A rectifier which converts the AC waveform to a pulsed DC waveform. 3) A filter which smooths out these pulses to a more steady-state signal. 4) A voltage regulator, be it a zener diode or LMxxxx voltage regulator, which keeps the output at a consistent level.

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A device or circuit that provides power to the rest of the circuit or system is called a power supply,

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For non-engineering purposes, a harmonic is a predictable repeating undesired waveform. It usually comes from a type of power supply used in modern electronics called a switching power supply. A harmonic can exist on both AC and DC power. Harmonics can have a seriously detrimental impact on the longevity of electrical devices and systems.

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The load that is connected to the circuit is what draws the power of the electrical circuit.