Algebra is a tremendously useful mathematical tool, without which modern science and technology would not have been possible.
Algebra was invented as a tool for solving mathematical problems, and it has proved to be tremendously useful. Modern technology as we know it would have been impossible without the use of algebra.
More accurately, algebra is the set of symbols and rules used to construct mathematics. It is not a calculating tool to solve problems in its own right, but allows you to express the ways in which to solve those problems.
Algebra was invented in Egypt and Babylon in 862bc !!!!
Algebra was invented by Muslims in ancient times.
Algebra was invented by ancient Muslims.
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Algebra was invented by ancient Muslims.
Algebra was invented by ancient Muslims.
Algebra was invented by many people
Algebra was invented by Muslims in ancient times.
Algebra was invented by "Al- Khawarzami. He was the founder of analytical algebra. His famous book is "Hisabul-jubr-wal-muqbal".
Algebra was invented by ancient Muslims.
The Romans