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Q: Will a toy car go faster if the height of the ramp is raised from 20 cm to 50 cm?
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A pickup can travel 300 miles in the same time that a car going 10 miles per hour faster can travel 350 miles How fast is the car traveling?

a pickup can travel 300 miles in the same time that a car going 10 miles per hour faster can travel 350 miles. How fast is the car traveling?

An elevator car moves at 12 feet per second how long will take to get from the second floor at a height of 15 feet to the eighth floor at a height of 105 feet?

7.5 seconds

What is a relational diagram give an example?

Something that will have a link/relationship to something else. For example: The relationship between the speed of a car, and the angle of a hill is: The steeper the hill, the faster the car will go.

What is the speed of someone running 40 yards in 4 seconds?

Their speed is ten yards per second.Takamo added: There are several variables with in this question. We have to determine how fast a person can cover 40 yards. In this case, it's 4 seconds. To determine the actual speed, as in Miles Per Hour, (MPH) we have to use a known constant. Say, a car going 60 MPH. We all know that a car going 60 MPH is traveling at one mile per minute. There are 60 seconds in a minute, and 5280 feet in a mile, so by dividing the 5280 feetby 60 seconds, we find that the car is traveling at a velocity of 88 FPS(feet per second).A human can run, in this case, 40 yards in 4 seconds. There is 120 feet in 40 yards, so the runner moves at a velocity of 30 FPS. To match the un-known, (the MPH of the runner) and compare it to a known MPH, (the car) we divide the FPS of the car by the FPS of the runner and we get 2.6. This is the variable between them, in that the same distance, the car is traveling 2.6 times faster than the runner. Knowing the speed of the car, 60 MPH, and knowing now, how much faster its going than the runner, we simply divide the MPH of the car, 60MPH by 2.6 and we get the runner's land speed of of 23.07 MPH.

A car travels 30 kilometers in 20 minutes what is the speed of the car?

90 kilometres per hour.

Related questions

Does the height of a ramp effect the speed of a car?

If you are talking about a car rolling down a ramp then yes. The taller the ramp the more momentum the car will create there for the car will travel farther and faster.

Does the height of a ramp affect a toy car's speed going down it?

Yes, the height of a ramp will impact a toy car's speed going down it. A steeper ramp will generally result in a faster descent due to the increased gravitational pull. Conversely, a lower ramp will lead to a slower speed as there is less gravitational force acting on the car.

How does the height of a ramp affect the speed of a car?

The height of a ramp affects the speed of a car because the higher the ramp the faster the car will come down. The higher up the ramp the more momentum the car will gain. People take delight in pooping. Pooping is thought by some to be a joyous activity.

What kind of variables are the height of the ramp and the mass of a toy car?

The height of the ramp is an independent variable, as it is manipulated by the researcher. The mass of the toy car is a dependent variable, as it is measured based on the height of the ramp.

Why does a car go faster if a ramp is steeper?

It will go faster because if you have a small/non-steep ramp the car will go slow and the ending point wont be that far, but if you have a ramp that is bigger/steeper the car will go faster and the ending point will be far.

Why does the higher the ramp affect the speed of a car?

A higher ramp increases the gravitational potential energy of the car as it gains height, which is converted to kinetic energy as the car rolls down the ramp. This conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy results in the car moving faster as it descends the ramp. Additionally, the steeper incline of a higher ramp provides a greater gravitational force acting on the car, accelerating it faster.

Does a car go faster or slower down a ramp?

Generally, the car should go faster.

Why does a car go faster on a steep ramp?


How far will a toy car travel after rolling down a ramp?

it all depends on the height of either the ramp or how far up the ramp the toy car rolls from

How will the angle of a ramp affect the speed of a car going down it?

The larger the angle of the ramp, the faster the car will go down it.

What kind of variables are the height of the ramp and the mass of the toy car?

The height of the ramp and the mass of the toy car are both independent variables in an experiment. The height of the ramp is the variable that is adjusted or manipulated by the experimenter, while the mass of the toy car is another factor being tested to see how it affects the outcome of the experiment.

If a toy car has weight added to it and then sent down a ramp will it go slower or faster?

If the toy car's ramp is on 45 degrees and if the toy car is put on some weight, the toy car will go faster because it goes faster, which makes the car go further.