void main()
int length, breadth, area ;
printf("\n Enter the length & breadth of a Rectangle");
printf("\n Area of the Rectangle=%d",area);
Unless there is a given measurement of the lengths of the sides of the figure (ex. cm., mm., in.) you would say units, and put a little 2 as an exponent because you need to write square units.
Very easily.
You find the area of the whole square first. Then you find the area of the circle inside of it And then subtract the area of the circle from the area of the square and then you get the shaded area of the square
The area of the square is 98 square cm. Assuming the shaded area is the remainder of the circle, its area is 55.9 square cm (approx).
A square with an area of 400 square units has a perimeter of 80 units.
Write a c program to compute the surface area and volume of a cube
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int side,area of square; print f("Enter the length of side\n"); scan f("%d",&side); area of square=side*side; print f(the area of square is %d\n"area of square); return 0; }
{A program to compute the area of a triangle} {by Ogboin W. Meshach} Var; b,h:real; BEGIN Writeln('Triangle'); Write('Base: '); Readln(base); Write('Height: '); Readln(height); area:=0.5*base*height; Writeln('Area: ', area :0:2); End.
base X height
Write a program that calculates the area of a triangle in QBASIC
{Area s the area of cube} {Length is the length of one side of the cube} program AreaofCube; var Area,Length:real; begin write('Enter the length of cube: '); readln(Length); Area:=6*(Length*Length); writeln('The area of cube is ', Area, ' cm^2.'); end.
Surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2 square units
Rewrite the above program so that the program accepts any value for the radius then recalculate the area of the circle.
You find the square root an then label it as the side.
a circle has an area of 36pie square centimeters what is the circumference ?
By using that one thing.