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No. You now have two pieces of the same density. They will half the mass, but the same density. Improved: No, the density is the same even if it's cut in half or how ever many pieces. Think about it this way. There's box A which masses out to about 10 grams. It has a volume of 10 cm^3( for those of you that don't understand the ^ it simply means that the 3 is an exponent) . If you divide it in half what will happen? It's not only the volume that's being cut in half, but also mass. In the equation it states that Density=Mass/Volume. We'll be using this equation to prove that this is correct.

So to find the original density- D= 10g/ 10 cm^3 D=1g/cm^3 (or mL since 1cm^3= 1mL) D= 1g/mL To find the density for the half- D=5g/5cm^3 D=1g/mL As you can see, the density is still the same. DO NOT EVER divide the original density by 2, that's a common mistake people make. I hope this helped you.

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Q: Does density have a affect on a object cut in half?
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If you cut an object in half its density?


What will happen to an object if the density of that object cut in half?

If the density of an object is cut in half, the object's mass remains the same but its volume doubles. This means the object will become larger in size but will still have the same mass.

What happens to the density of a object if you cut it in half?

The density stays the same. The reason why is because the density of something is mass divided by volume, so if you cut the object in half, it will not change at all. :) ((and yes the other answer was gibberish lol.))

What happens to an object when its density is cut in half?

If the density of an object is cut in half while its mass remains constant, its volume would double. This means the object would expand or increase in size to occupy a larger space in order to achieve the lower density.

What a solid block of material is cut in half its density is?

If a solid block of material is cut in half, its density remains the same. Density is a physical property of a substance and is independent of the shape or size of the object. Therefore, cutting the block in half would not change its density.

If a given substance is cut into a different shap the object affect its density why?

It acually doesn't affect it's density, only the mass changes.

Does cutting an object in half change the density?

The density of something is the mass divided by the volume, so if you cut the item in half, it will not change the density at all. Instead, the two halves of the item will have the same density.

What would happen to density of a substance whose mass was cut in half?

If the mass of a substance is cut in half but the volume remains the same, the density of the substance would also be cut in half. This is because density is calculated by dividing mass by volume, so reducing the mass will directly affect the density without changing the volume.

If the long yellow block was cut in halfwhat is the density of each half compared to the origonal density of the block?

The density of each half would be the same as the original density of the block. When an object is cut in half, the mass of the object is divided equally among the two halves, while the volume is also divided equally. Since density is calculated as mass divided by volume, and the mass and volume ratio remains the same for each half, the density will be the same.

What is the density of a metal if you cut it in half and the original density was 8.4?

If you cut a metal in half, each half will have the same density as the original metal, so the density of each half will still be 8.4. The density of a material does not change when you cut it into pieces.

If an object is cut in half is the density of each half equal?

Yes, the density of an object has no relation the number of pieces that the object is divided into, nor to the size of the obect. For example: The density of 1 pound of steel is exactly the same as the density of 1 ton of identical steel, and the density of 1 mL of water is exactly the same as the density of one Liter of water. That is the textbook answer, in real life most cutting techniques disturb the boundary of the cut line. So if you want a real to life answer then the density is only changed at the cut line where temperature and pressure will effect the structure of the metal being cut. Textbook answer is density remains unchanged throughout the whole of the material no matter how many times you cut it. think of density as "how hard something is packed together at the molecular level". This is a ok way to look at density. Cheers!