put it in order from decimals as in first make the fraction in decimals and put them in order you desire :)
you have to find like denominators and then you order them from least to greatest by there numerators
to order fractions you can cross multiply two fractions at a time or you can convert all the fractions into decimals.
Put fractions in decimal form. That way it is much easier to compare and order them.
You can order fractions by finding the percentage (top divided by bottom multiplied by 100).
Various methods: * Convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator; then order by smallest numerator to largest; * Convert the fractions to [approximate] decimals by dividing the numerators by the denominators; then order by the smallest decimal to largest; * Divide the denominators by the numerators; then order by the largest result to the smallest. In all cases list the original fractions.
either turn all ur numbers to fractions or decimals, then put it in order
In order to add or subtract fractions, they must have the same denominator.
Two ways: Convert them to like fractions with a common denominator and order them by their numerators or convert them to decimals, order them, and change them back.
You need a common denominator in order to add or subtract fractions.
The fractions can be ordered according to the order of their numerators.
In order to find the LCD when adding or subtracting fractions
Similar fractions are fractions with the same denominator. In order to add or subtract fractions they need to be similar.