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4, one of them is the thrust bearing

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Q: How many main bearings does a three cylinder Geo Metro have?
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Related questions

How many main bearings on a 6 cylinder engine?

7- that is the right answer

What are the main parts of three phase motor?

Wire, bearings, rotor and stator.

On a 4-cylinder engine can you replace pistons and rods from the bottom of the block?

main bearings might get i the way The pistons come out the top.

What are different between main and conecting rod bearing?

The main bearings are what supports the crankshaft. The rod bearings go on the rod that the pistions are hooked to. Rod bearings are smaller then the main bearings on all engines.

What are the bearings that support the crankshaft called?

Main bearings

What bearings in a 350 cause low oil pressure?

Cam bearings, Main bearings, Rod bearings.

What bearings are stocked in standard under size?

Main bearings and connecting rod bearings.

Can i have main bearings for a 1995 Chevy s10?

You can use main bearings on a 1995 Chevy S10. The bearings can be purchased at most auto parts stores.

What are torque specs on main and rod bearings on 2.2 Chevrolet 1996 4-cylinder?

Check the corresponding Hayne's Manual. Its the only way to get it right for sure!

How much are bearings for a s10?

Wheel bearings, main bearings, connecting rod bearings, cam bearings, axle bearings, carrier bearings, pinion bearings and so on, need to be more specific.

Where are outer main bearings located at on a small block Chevy?

There is no such thing as outer main bearings. The main bearings go inside of the main caps that hold the crankshaft in the bottom of the engine. To get to the mains you will have to remove the oil pan.

When was Percy Main Metro station created?

Percy Main Metro station was created in 1839.