All Ford v8's are the same. As you face the engine with crankshaft pulley in front of you, Cylinder numbers are 1-4 on the left side counting from front to rear and numbers 5-8 are on the right counting from front to rear. However, the firing order is different on the 351, 351W and 400. This is 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8, at least, it is in the years 71-78.
The 351 was not available in the 68, but the 289 was so just use those mounts, the 351W is a small block and is the same as the 289.
firewall 4 - 8 3 - 7 2 - 6 1 - 5 front
There are different ways. One is that the 351w fuel pump bolts to the timing cover,the 351c bolts to the engine block. Water flows through the 351w intake manifold and does not on the 351c. The 351w has inline valves and the 351c has canted valves. The 351w has squared intake ports and the 351c has huge round ports. Hope this helps some.
Anything ispossible I ones swap a 351W to a Strait 6 Cyl.
no 351w's have 3" main bore size....and 302's have 2.5" mains
get a book
it is an 8 cylinder
No, the 351m has a big block bolt pattern, and the 351w has a small block pattern, this caused some what of a problem for me seeing as I had 5 spd tranny off a 351w that I wanted to put on my 351m.
a 4.0 is a six cylinder engine
The simple difference between the 302 and 351w is simply deck height. The 351w is taller. They share a majority of interchanging components. Both the 302 and the 351w have a water cooled intake meaning a water bypass hose between the water pump and intake. The 351m would have an aircooled intake meaning no bypass hose. Also the head design of a 351m would make the engine look a lot larger (wider) than the 302/351w