50 cubic feet = 50 * 12 * 12 * 12 cubic inches = 86400 cubic inches
61.0237441 cubic inches ==
819cc is equal to about 50 cubic inches.
50 cubic inches is 819.35cc
50 cubic inches = 819.35 cc
3000 cubic inches is equal to 0.049 cubic meters
822cc equates to 50 cubic inches or 0.82 liters.
If the question is 12"x12"x10" the answer .833 cu.ft
50 liter = 3 051.187 204 7 cubic inch
This cylinder's volume is 35,342.9 cubic inches.
If you mean 50 inches by 40 inches by 77 inches, the volume would be 98.03 cubic feet. If you mean 50 feet by 40 feet by 77 feet, the volume would be 169400 cubic feet.