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CKT is electrician short hand for circuit. A circuit is everything powerd by on circuit breaker

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What is mapbaro ckt rangeperf on a dodge stratus?

Do you mean "MAP/BARO CKT Range/Perf" You have a problem with the MAP sensor. Could be nothing more than a vacuum leak.

What is the torque converter ckt performance?

What is the torque converter ckt performance?

How do you create essential hazards?

as we know that sequential ckt = combinational ckt + feedback So if we clear the hazards of combinational ckt then also some type of disturbance left in the ckt .That disturbance is known as ESSENTIAL HAZARDS.

Why inductor are used in CKT?

inductor is used in ckt because it will work as controling current device

Why alternator rating in KVA?

as while designing alternator we have to consider two ckt. i.e. electrical ckt.& magnetic ckt. and electrical designing by considering current & magnetic by volt.thats why rating is in kva.

What is the advantage of parallel circuit from serios circuit?

In parallel ckt voltage in all branches will be same, its different in series ckt

Discuss what would happen if a resistor was not inclued in a circuit?

u can't avoid resisters in ur ckt because even the components using in ur ckt hav its own resistance........ if u r not using a resistance in ur ckt u cannot vary the parameters like power voltage current etc.. such ckt is a vaste

What are the application of a differentiating amplifier?

It is a signal checking or comparing ckt..... So we can use it in the analog or digital locker ckt's or in security check's etc....

What is resistor and its use and working?

resistor is a passive component which opposes the current flowing through a closed ckt. use in opposition of current in ckt .

In parallel ckt voltages are same?


What is the all resistance?

its total resistance in ckt

What training courses are offered on the website Ckt?

There is no website to be found under the name of Ckt. For that reason there are no training courses offered there because the website does not exist.