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It is introduced in the house or senate

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Q: After a bill is introduced in the state legislature where is it sent?
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What are the six step in the lawmaking process in state legislatures?

1. A bill is introduced 2. The bill is sent to committee 3. The bill reaches the floor 4. The bill is sent to the second house 5. The bill is sent to a conference committee 6. The bill is sent to the governor

How is a bill made into a law in the us government?

The bill is first introduced by a member of the legislature and then it is referred to a committee in both houses. Each house must then vote on the bill and if a majority vote is reached in both houses, the bill then it sent to the President to be signed into law.

List the basic steps of how a bill becomes a law?

it gets introduced then sent to committees (house of reps) then house votes on it then introduced to senate sent to senate committees senate votes on it voting is called floor action because the bill is on the "floor" for voting then to president where he approves or vetoes

What is wrong with this scenario?

A bill to raise individual taxes is introduced into senate. The bill is given a number and assigned to the senate budget committee for consideration.The bill is recommended for passage and is debated by the full senate. The senate votes unanimously to pass the bill with no amendments, and bill is sent to the house of representatives.

Does a law become a law if the president passes the bill?

Answered by Reid Breitman. This is for information only and you should consult a lawyer before relying on anything on the internet. The president does not pass a bill. That is the domain of the legislature. A bill is drafted and proposed by the legislature, and then they vote on it. If the legislature passes the bill, it is then sent to the President, who can either sign the bill, thus allowing it to become a law, or he or she can veto the bill, thus killing it and sending it back to the legislature. But the legislature can then override the veto by voting again and passing the law by a 2/3rds vote.

Related questions

What are the six step in the lawmaking process in state legislatures?

1. A bill is introduced 2. The bill is sent to committee 3. The bill reaches the floor 4. The bill is sent to the second house 5. The bill is sent to a conference committee 6. The bill is sent to the governor

Who signs the bills into law?

In the US, a bill sent from the US Congress to the president. The president can then sign the bill into law. At the state level there is the same principle. The state legislature passes a bill and the state governor can sign the bill into law. This system has worked well for the US in its history.

Once the state budget is prepared to whom is it sent for approval?

state legislature

What is the agreement that led to the current two-house legislature?

the 1st bill sent

How do you make laws in Missouri?

The same was as in every other state. A state representative introduces a bill in the legislature - it is debated - it is passed - it is sent to the Governor - who either signs it or vetoes it. If he signs it, it becomes law.

How does a bill become a law on a state level in Tennessee?

The legislature passes it and sends it to the Governor's desk where it can be signed and passed into law, or vetoed and sent back to either be moidified or passed, over the Governor's objections.

Steps how a bill becomes a law?

it gets introduced then sent to committees (house of reps) then house votes on it then introduced to senate sent to senate committees senate votes on it voting is called floor action because the bill is on the "floor" for voting then to president where he approves or vetoes

After a bill passes in the State legislature it is sent to where?

There is a joint conference committee , composed of members of both houses, that try to workout a version of the bill that both houses will accept.

How a bill becomes a law step 4?

it gets introduced then sent to committees (house of reps) then house votes on it then introduced to senate sent to senate committees senate votes on it voting is called floor action because the bill is on the "floor" for voting then to president where he approves or vetoes

How is a bill made into a law in the us government?

The bill is first introduced by a member of the legislature and then it is referred to a committee in both houses. Each house must then vote on the bill and if a majority vote is reached in both houses, the bill then it sent to the President to be signed into law.

What are the steps for a bill to become law?

1. Bill is Drafted: Members of Congress, the Executive Branch, and even outside groups can draft (write or draw up) bills.2. Introduced in House3. Sent to Committee4. Committee Action5. Rules Committee6. Floor Action7. Introduced in Senate8. Committee Action9. Bill Called Up10. Floor Action11. Conference Committee12. Vote on Compromise13. Presidential Action

Once a bill is introduced in Congress it is sent to the appropriate?

Standing Commitee