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Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally P=parethesis E=exponent M=multiple D=divide A=Add S=Subtract The first letter of each work corresponds to the first letter in the operation rule. The orde of operations is the order in which algebric equations must be solved to find the correct answer.

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Q: Can you explain the order of operations rule?
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The order of operations rule known as PEMDAS was introduced in the 20th century, specifically in the mid-20th century.

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The Order Of Operations! :)

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order of operations

What do order of operations means explain?

Order of Operations is like when you have a problem i always use PEMDAS it means parenthesis, expoents, mulitipication, divide, addition, Subtraction follow it.

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order of operations

What Order of operations is defined as?

The order of operations is a rule that tells the correct sequence of steps for evaluating a math expression. We can remember the order using PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).