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The circumference is 2 x pi x radius which makes 75.4 inches

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When was Allstate Insurance founded?

Allstate Insurance was founded in the year 1931. The Allstate Insurance Company was named after the Sears' tire brand and was headed by the first chairman Lessing J.Rosenwald.

What shops carry cabinet lights?

Some shops that carry cabinet lights include mass retail home improvement stores. These include Rona, Lowe's, Home Depot, Canadian Tire and Home Hardware.

Elijah mccoy famous invention?

He invented an automatic lubricator for oiling the steam engines of locomotives and boats.

How long did the American Revolutionary War last?

Most actual battles lasted only a matter of hours. The forces engaged were never very large, rarely as many as 10,000 on a side, and a decisive result was usually obtained after a time, after which one party or the other usually withdrew. Some campaigns lasted much longer. The campaign around New York, which Washington lost in 1776, lasted three months or so, and included several battles. The siege of Boston in 1775-76 lasted about eleven months, but the only real battle was Bunker Hill. The siege of Yorktown lasted about a month. The Battle of Brandywine Creek, September 11, 1777 was probably one of the longest actual battles, which lasted most of the day. Most of this time was spent with part of the British force making a "demonstration" - a feint - at a ford, a crossing of the Creek, while a large portion of the British force was marching several miles upstream, crossing, then marching back down the other bank to attack the Patriot flank.

What do you think is your biggest challenge to improving your reading habits?

Speed reading is a useful skill which can be attained with regular practice. Today's student of speed reading is bombarded with many different books, websites, programs, and courses on speed reading. One essential part of his study, however, will not be found in the majority of these sources-the development of a strong short-term memory. By strengthening his memory, a reader can increase both his speed and his level of comprehension. Even when a slow reader reads a text, images of the words are automatically stored in the brain. How strongly they are imprinted and how quickly they can be recalled is a matter of training. Whole blocks of words can be retained during the reading process. Memory is vital for quick comprehension of reading material. As the reader's eyes move forward to read new blocks of words, a sharp memory is critical since the mind's "decoding" processes rely on mental images. By retaining words, the memory frees the mind to continue reading while working on words that have already been "read." A strong memory enables accurate assimilation and cross-referencing of information in the brain-mental processes that are key to comprehension. If a reader could enhance his memory while reducing his eye fixation time and acquiring other good reading habits, his speed would increase dramatically. That much is clear. But can memory be developed? And if so, how? It is first of all necessary to understand the type of memory involved in speed reading-short-term memory, capturing "images" not only of words but also of full blocks of text. Memory in general can be developed significantly through "brain games." To the speed reader, however, most mnemonic devices and long-term memory techniques are useless. His focus must be on exercises that serve to increase his attention span and his capacity for mental concentration. The oldest and simplest such exercise is accomplished simply by choosing reading material more difficult than what one is accustomed to. This challenges the memory to retain larger "morsels" of information for longer periods of time. Other than that, timed exercises, using either words or pictures are useful. In these, the individual tests himself to see how much he can recall of a "data sheet" after a study period of a given number of seconds. It is important to keep a log noting the number of memorized items and the times so that progress can be recorded.