John winthrop
The Exter Compact was signed in 1639 by the settler's of New Hampshire to unite townships. It was patterned after the the Mayflower compact.
Who the heck is George?
The first written colonial self-government was The Fundamental Orders of 1639 in the Connecticut towns of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield. The document was conspicuously devoid of references to the sovereignty of England and its monarchs.
1639 was the 17th century.
Manhattan was owned by the Dutch in 1639.
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, drafted in 1639, is known as the first written constitution in North America. They were transcribed into the official records on January 14, 1639 (Old Calendar), which translates to January 24, 1639 in our calendar.
Yes, it can be done but while continuing you need to read some fundamental mathematics and mare knowledge of mathematics makes you more analytical which is an advantage for you.
Mathematics is one of the fundamental parts of knowledge. Just like being able to read and write. To not know how to do mathematics would be like not being able to read and would put you at a big disadvantage in a lot of areas of life.
She read an essay on the life of Archimeds
Jeremy I was born in 1639.