It's very possible to carry a torch for someone you've never known, but it isn't love. You can't love someone unless you know them, and you don't know someone until you've been around them a while, talking to them, seeing how they act in various circumstances.
By having officials work Behind the Scenes, ping pong diplomacy allowed diplomats to conduct negotiations without public or political pressure.
Is democracy. Democracy was first shown in Greece so they could vote for a leader. It means to vote by yourself without a representative like the Romans. We Americans have been using this system for decades.
The American government cannot spend taxpayer money without legislation because the legislation keeps the government in check and helps to keep a record of what is being spent. Without these records, Congress could spend money on whatever it wanted to, without having to answer to anyone.
George Washington (both times) and James Monroe (in 1820)
it abolished slavery, and the freedmen and slaves were free without ever having to get back to working on plantations, but some were forced to because they had little rights and oppurtunites.
No, that is not possible.
No its not possible
The phobia of having your armpits touched is called "haphophobia." This is an irrational fear specific to the armpit area being touched.
Cats' preferences for having their paws touched vary. Some cats may enjoy it, while others may not. It is important to observe your cat's body language and reactions to determine if they are comfortable with having their paws touched.
Kaciraffphobia is the fear of having your ears touched.
It is very well possible.
It is not possible
#no where
It is very possible to advertise in front of shops without having to erect a sign. Many companies use this method to advertise because it saves money, and is good for the environment.
Cats may not like having their back touched because it can be a sensitive area for them, and they may interpret it as a threat or invasion of their personal space.
It is possible to make a t-shirt bag without having to sew it. First cut the sleeves off of a t-shirt. Then cut the neck out. Next cut slits along the bottom of the t-shirt. Then tie knots in it. You have a t-shirt bag without having to sew.
Sorry, but that is not possible!