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it also needs to be validated. Practically provable.

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Q: The belief that the truth of a statement depends on who said it is called pragmatism?
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What is the idea that science reason and knowledge could help make society better?

This belief is called Pragmatism

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What is the central statement of Jewish belief called?

The Shema prayer, based on Deuteronomy 6:4, is the central declaration of Jewish belief.

A sentence stating an opinion or belief as the purpose for developing a paper is called?

Two options are:topic sentencethesis statement

What is a statement called that tells what a person thinks or believes?

A statement that tells what a person thinks or believes is called an opinion, sometimes known as a is known as a belief

What is a sentence stating an opinion or belief as the purpose for developing a paper?

A sentence stating an opinion or belief as the purpose for developing a paper is called a thesis statement.

What is a statement of a viewpoint supporting one side of an argument called?

A statement of a viewpoint supporting one side of an argument is called a position or assertion. It represents the opinion or stance taken by an individual or group in favor of a particular perspective or belief.

What is a question and also a statement called?

A question and statement combination is called an "interrogative statement," which is a sentence that combines a question and statement into one.

What is it called when someone says your going to do something so often you end up doing it?

It is called the "self-fulfilling prophecy," where a person's belief or statement about a future event influences their actions or behavior, ultimately leading to that event occurring.

What is the belief of spirits and demons called?

The belief in spirits and demons is called either "spiritualism" or "religion".

What is called belief in God but No belief in organised religion?
