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PROMISED TO CONTINUE REPARATIONS PAYMENT AND STOPPED PASSIVE RESISTANCE ( P)>- so helped to solve the problem of French invasion of Ruhr - workers went back to work and (E)- meant that France could get the goods to pay the reparations, so she left the Ruhr, also solved hyperinflation as goods was being produced (E)- THUS: Because of his willingness to solve the problems of Ruhr crisis, the Allies were willing to open negotiation on reparations (L) payment

INTRODUCED NEW CURRENCY (P)>- Replaced the worthless German marks with a new currency called the RENTENMARK (E)- this solved the problem of the currency losing value and hyperinflation because people began to have confidence in the currency again- THIS: the new German currency stablised the value of money and price beagn to return to normal

NEGOTIATED DAWES PLAN (P)- this was signed in agreement by the Allied countries - France, Britain and USA - Americans provided LOANS (800 million gold marks) (E) and allowed the Germans to start repaying their reparations bills and spread their payments over a LONGER period- helped to solve the problem of reparations as her economy could recover with the loans (E)-THUS - could afford to pay reparations again (L)

NEGOTIATED YOUNG PLAN 1929 (P)>- reduced the reparations payment still further. (E)- because Germany showed her willingness to co-operate with the Allied countries and this improved Germany relations with them (E)-THUS - withdrawal of Allied troops from Germany by 1930 and 1926 Germany was allowed to join the League of Nations (L)

ENJOYED ECONOMIC PROSPERITY (P)- After recovering from the crisis in 1923, foreign banks (mostly American) were willing to loan Germany vast sums of money. With this money 3 million new homes, new roads and railways were built. (E)- As a result German industry produced more goods and exports increased (E)- THUS Germany seem the most modern and prosperous country outside of the USA and this led to political stability - Weimar party won elections and more stable government - extremists / opposition parties like Nazis and communists did not gain support because Germans were happy.(L)

BROUGHT POLITICAL STABILITY (P)>- 9 November 1923, Hitler organised the Munich Putsch - Hitler expected to gain power through rebellion because hyperinflation had caused resentment and anger amongst the German people and Hitler thought they would support him in a putsch (E)- HOWEVER - Stresemann managed to win support of army and police who helped him crush rebellions - Revolt was successfully crushed by the police and Nazis and Hitler arrested and sentenced to 5 yrs jail - Nazi Party was greatly weakened as many Nazis and the leader was arrested. - The Nazi party was banned and Hitler was not allowed to speak publicly (until 1928) (E)- THUS - Extremist parties did badly at the elections - Nazi Party remained the smallest party in the Reichstag up to 1928 - no support from people = Political stability as Stresemann managed to win support of German people- were happy with the economic prosperity brought by Stresemann's policies and were uninterested in extremists politics. The Weimar government was more stable with a Grand Coalition government after the election of 1928 and had 60% support from Reichstag (L)

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