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Q: There is a frog in a 30 foot well The frog jumps up 3 meters each day but slides back 2 meters each?
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There is a frog in a 30 foot well. The frog jumps up 3 metres each day but slides back 2 metres each night. How many days will it take the frog to get out of the well?

30 days wrong it takes 28 days

How long will it take a monkey to reach the top if the monkey is at the bottom of a well ten feet deep and each day he jumps up 3 feet and slips back two?

8 days. I say 10 days. Day 1, jumps 3 feet, slides back 2 feet equals 1 foot up on Day 1. Day 2, jumps 3 feet, slides back 2 feet equals 1 foot up on Day 2, plus 1 from Day 1 = 2 feet. Day 3, jumps 3 feet, slides back 2 feet equals 1 foot up on Day 3, plus 1 from Day 1 and 1 from Day 2 = 3 feet. etc. until Day 10 when his jumps total ten feet up.

A 4 pound rabbit jumps into a hole 9ft deep and 2.5ft wide each evening he jumps up 3ft and each afternoon he falls back 2ft how many days will it take the rabbit to get out of the day?

7 days. *sara*

What slides past each other?

Tectonic plates slide past each other at transform plate boundaries, creating earthquakes. Ice sheets also slide past each other, causing friction and forming crevasses. Additionally, molecules in liquids and gases can slide past each other, leading to fluid motion.

When plates slides past each other?


What are the Slides tab displays each slide as?


Slide To The Presentation?

When you are making a power point presentation, be sure that all of the slides relate to the topic. If you do not have pictures to use on the slides, you can include clip art from Microsoft Word. You can go back to each slide and add things to it after you are finished with your power point presentation.

What is the best way to store microscope slides?

The best way to store microscope slides is in a slide box. A slide box will keep slides from sticking to each other, keeping them intact.

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If A frog fell in hole 14.5 feet deep He can jump 3 ft but slid back a foot each time he jumped How many jumps does it take him to get out of the hole?


Tigger and Roo decided to have a race Their race course was a straight road 100 feet up and back Roo made three jumps of two feet each in the same time that Tigger made two jumps of one yard each W?

they both only went 6 feet never finished

What happen when crust slides past each other?

its called a transform boundary