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It can be 3.5 ft deep, but you may prefer to give them more "land" space.

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Q: What is the deepest the water can be for fire belly newts in a 4ft tank?
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How big are fire belly newts when they are born?

Fire belly newts are smaller than a marble when they are born.

Do fire belly newts bit?


What types of newts get along with fire belly newts?

Fire belly newts both should get along unless there both females. They will stay away from each other but if you put a female and male together you will get a surprise also i think the blue belly newt will get along with the fire belly cause my friend haves both blue belly and fire belly and they get along just fine!

Do fire belly newts stink?

no i had one once. it did not stink.

Can fire belly newts eat fish food?

newts can live with brine shrimp , most likely frogs and of corse other newts

What is all the classifications of a newt?

there are hundreds of species of newts and salamanders, most of which are terrestrial but some are aquatic. This is true, there are alot, and some popular ones are Oregon newts, fire belly newts, red belly newts.

Are fire belly newts able to live on paper towels?


Do fire belly newts fight when put together?

No, not usually. Fire belly Toads and Newts are put together all the time, and seem to enjoy each other's company. If they do start to fight, separate them right away.

How long does a great crested newt live for?

in my opinion newts live up to 65 years, the average live of fire belly newts is from 30 to 60 years:]

Are turtles and fire belly newts compatible?

Absolutely NOT, newts and most other amphibians are toxic, and turtles eat just about anything they can fit in there mouths. If your turtle decides to eat the newt, not only will the newt die, but the turtle will succumb to the toxins in the newts skin.

Do fire belly newts live in room temperature water?

No. That is because they only need at least a lamp or light over. Not really room temp., maybe close but not needed of exact room temp..

Do fire belly toads like cold or warm water?

Fire belly toads like warm water, preferring water around 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.