

What is the smallest newt?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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13y ago

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As big as a mans thumb.

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Q: What is the smallest newt?
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How big was the smallest newt?

The smallest newt species is the pygmy marbled newt (Triturus pygmaeus), which typically grows to about 1.6-2 inches (4-5 cm) in length.

Is a newt a pollinator?

no newt is not a pollinator

Is a newt a marsupial?

A newt is an amphibian.

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What class is a newt?

A newt is Class Amphibia.

Is newt a veterbrate?

Yes, a newt is a vertebrate.

What is an alpine newt?

An alpine newt is a species of newt of the order Caudata, Latin name Ichthyosaura alpestris.

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a newt lives in the rainforest

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newt young

What organism is a newt?

A newt is a salamander in the subfamily Pleurodelinae

What is the body temperature of a Newt?

the newt is cold blooded!

Is Newt Gingrich single?

No, Newt Gingrich is not single.