There are about three types of pyramids in Ancient Egypt: "True" pyramid- The typical pyramid, with smooth sides and hard edges(the pyramids you would imagine) Bent pyramid- Very smooth and has curved sides(obviously looks bent!) Stepped Pyramid- Has many steps to the top(it's a STEP pyramid!)
the average pyramid block weighs about 5,600lbs
The answer depends on which pyramid. Geometrically, one stone makes a pyramid - a trivial one. Four make a proper pyramid.
A pyramid has only one base.
There are 11 passage ways in The Great Pyramid of Giza.
a pyramid has 8 edges
8 edges * * * * * Not necessarily. A triangular pyramid has 6 edges. A heptagonal pyramid had 14 edges and so on.
16 edges- the edges of the base, and the edges leading to the point of the pyramid.
A square pyramid has 8 edges.
A triangular pyramid has 6 edges.
there are 6 edges on a triangular pyramid.
a pyramid has 4 straight edges
there is 13 edges in a heptagonal pyramid.
A NoNaGonAl PyRaMiD HaS 27 eDges
6A triangular pyramid has 6 edges.
a rectangular pyramid has a total of 8 edges
There are no curved edges on a triangular pyramid.