An abacus is a calculation aid, it stores one number and helps the user rapidly perform addition and subtraction. Highly skilled abacus users can also do multiplication and division and sometimes more involved calculations, but such calculations become progressively more labor intensive and time consuming and the abacus cannot assist the user further.
actient china
sorry guys not really sure. :/
The roman counting board used to solve problems in mathematics was called abacus [άβαξ, in the Greek language]
It's called an abacus.
The Chinese abacus.
China invented the abacus .
How did the abacus occur?
An Abacus has beads and strings.
The Chinese abacus
it is the abacus. :D :D :D i got is dummies
The abacus II!
the Chinese invented the abacus
the invenor of the abacus is the invenor of me
Abacus was invented by the Chinesethe abacus was also known as the first computer
the antonym for abacus is future calculator
China invented the Abacus.