Emperor Diocletian, who created a tetrarchy to more effectively govern the Roman world. It consisted of two senior emperors (augustii) and two junior emperors (caesars), with the western capital based in Rome and the eastern capital in what would be Constantinople.
Rome and when the empire was divided up into east and west Rome and Byzantium (later called Constantinople and now called Istanbul)
No. An empire is a single entity. The Roman empire was divided into provinces, each with its own governor who ruled in the name of Rome.
they were not really divided into two groups but if you want two gruops how about male and female.
Sparta and rome
Because of yes
Ancient Romes government was divided into three parts because of how stable they wanted it to be.
Germany got divided in two parts; East and West Germany.
yes,michigan is divided by two parts, there is a great lake dividing it
No, It is divided into three parts
The Greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles are the two parts the Caribbean is divided into.
It is divided into one
Two parts
There were no emperors in 382BC. In 382CE(AD) the emperor was Theodosius II on his death in 395 the empire was divided between his sons Arcadius (East) and Honorius (West). The two halves were never to be reunited after this date but this was not necessarily the original intention.
sometimes ovary is divided into two parts that is how we obtain similar twins