Try these:All time, past - Srinivasa Ramanujan living famous - Annaswamy Ranganath Rao
Diocles of Carystus, the mathematician, died circa 180 BCE. He was born at 240 BCE in the city of Carystus.
Some ancient Greek Philosophers were:1. Heraclitus2. Socrates, very famous.3. Plato, also a mathematician and a student of Socrates4. Aristotle, extremely famous, student of Plato. Aristotle educated Alexander the Great.5. Pythagoras, also a mathematician.There is 5 for you. I know you asked for two but I love ancient Greece. I got a bit carried away, but definitely the two most famous would have to be Socrates first then Aristotle.
Aristarchus of Samos was a ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician.
A famous Babylon mathematician is from the Middle East
a famous scientist would be Aristotle and a famous mathematician would be Archimedes
Is john vann a mathematician
A Famous Female Mathematician.
martin was a famous African American mathematician.
Vincent van Gogh was the famous painter who cut his ear off, but he was not a mathematician.
That one, there.
Isaac Newton
Blaise Pascal
Stephen Hawking