

Best Answer

They use camouflage it's a verb meaning to hide using color and stiffness.


i understand its camouflage but i meant more specific

I meant to put Coloration. your answer was no help. I need something like how they camouflage Sorry but your answer was to brief i was looking for something descriptive

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Q: How do the leaf butterfly ptarmigan the katydid the walking stick the stingray and the robber fly protect themselfs using cloration?
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A stingray is a mollusk

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The phylum of a stingray is Chordata.

How do you tell weight of a stingray?

Put it in a tank with water. Then total weight of tank + water + stingray, then take out stingray and weigh tank + water. The difference is the weight of the stingray.

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Yes, Stingray live in Florida.

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Atlantic stingray was created in 1824.