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I thought 145 days was 5 months.... 30 days per month x 5 months = 150 days... so 145 days should be right around 5 months.

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Q: How many months is 145 or 155 days?
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How many months is 155 days?

About 5 months. Months do not have the same number of days, and the average is about 30.4 days per calendar month (365.25/12). So 155 days would be approximately 5.1 months or 5 months and 3 days.

How long is the pregnancy for sheep and goats?

It depends on breed. Nigerians go at about 153. Some that have had them before go at about 145. The average is 145-155. But it depends on breed and individual goat.The average gestation period for a goat is ~150 days.

How long is a goat?

150 days average gestation. Goats often kid up to five days early or late (145-155 being the range). Approx. 5 months, this also depends on the time u put your billy in and what season you want them to kid in, if you have them kiidding in spring then then it will be more around 155-160 but if its winter then it will be more around 145-155 About 150 days, some will be pregnant for a longer or shorter time than other goats. However, they should not give birth before about 130 days as there is a risk on premature kids (offspring).

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155 days.155 days.155 days.155 days.155 days.155 days.155 days.155 days.155 days.155 days.155 days.

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I am a resident of Joseph and my estimate would be about 145 days.

How many months do the goat stay inside their mother's body?

A domesticated goat's baby stays inside its mother's womb, this period is known as gestation period, for about 145–155 days. For more on other animals' gestation period

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An estimate of 145 to 155 lbs. that's what people think as Ashley Purdy weights 155 lbs. and Jake is a few months older and also as thin and tall as him.

How many days are in 5 months?

The number of days in 5 months can vary depending on the specific months involved. On average, a month has 30 or 31 days, except for February which has 28 days in common years and 29 days in leap years. So, 5 months could have 150 to 155 days, assuming each month has 31 days.

How long does it take for a goat to get pregnant?

It depends on whether she is cycling or not - if she is on heat it only takes one service. Her cycle is normally 21 days, so if the buck does not impregnate in the first heat then she won't come in heat again for 21 days (unless chemical intervention is used) and once pregnant the pregnancy lasts 5 months.

How many numbers are there between 145 to 155?

There are infinitely many numbers between any two numbers. But there are only 9 integers between them.

Can a 145R13 be replaced by a 155 80R13?

yes if its a 145 80r 13.

What is 5 months times 4 weeks equal?

That all depends how many days are in each month. 4x7=28 and 5 months with 31 days is 155 so 155x28=4,340. If it was 30 days, it would be 4,200. since there are 4 weeks in a month than its basically 5x1