thou dinosuar i believe yes i believe im correct yet im not sure does this help u at all i sure hope it does check yall later peace
Amphicoelias fragillimus.
I think it's a dinosaur.
She is the only amazing person to ever roam this earth!! but be careful she will sleep with your boyfriend~ trust me i know ~
God created them and let them roam the earth
Paleozonic era
Um, Hello! Chuck Norris is the coolest dude to ever roam the earth! He would HAVE to win!
When dinasours were alive
The biggest gorilla is named Detective Yetti standing at 7ft. 8in. 545lbs. It is said to roam the jungle and eat crap.
No. But they make good fun for storytellers.
The angels and the greek gods
It is very unlikely.
Yes. Because roam means to walk around and liger means to hang around