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0.1 mm per sec.

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Q: What is the rate of speed for 3mm in 30 seconds?
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The speed of sound at sea level is 10,208.7 meters per 30 seconds.

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-- Your speed after 30 seconds will be 30 meters per second.-- Since your acceleration is constant, your average speed during the 30 secondsis the average of your initial and final speed . . . 15 meters per second.-- The distance you cover is your average speed for 30 seconds = 15 x 30 = 450 meters.

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Speed =distance/time i.e. the speed of bike is 30/5 = 6m/s

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The airplane's final velocity will be its initial velocity plus its acceleration multiplied by time. Initial velocity is 0, so the final velocity will be (20 mph/s)(30 s) = 600 mph.

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What is the rate for performing chest compression for victims of all ages?

30 seconds.

Can earth have 30 seconds in a minute?

No, earth cannot have 30 seconds in a minute. Unless it started rotating at twice the speed (making a day half as long).