The scale lets you figure out how far places are from anywhere else. If the scale is one inch per mile and two points are four inches apart, then they are actually four miles away from each other.
Its ovious why a compass points in different directions. For example, if your going north, the compass points north because your going that direction. Theres also a magnet concealed in the compass. How does the compass know what direction yoiur going. Earth it self is a magnet. When you head that direction, it will point
A compass rose.
In order to calculate Azimuth with google Earth one would need to figure the decimals of degree units that are used and find the direction of point A to B. Once the calculation has been made one can then decipher the amount of space between points A and B.
A translation.
Translation/Slide: to move all points in a figure the same distance and direction.
A vector is like an arrow. It points in the relevant direction and its length is a measure of the distance.
No, distance refers to the amount of ground covered between two points without considering direction. Direction is a separate concept that indicates the orientation of the movement between the two points.
A globular sphere has all points at the same distance from an interiocenter point.
Displacement includes the distance between the starting and ending points and the direction in which you travel.
A circle.
A sphere