10 degrees Celsius is 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Start by taking the number in Celsius and multiply it by 9. Then divide that number by 5, and then add 32. This is how you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit or use the equation F = (9/5)C + 32In this case, the answer is about 66.2 degrees Fahrenheit.
you can say Pluto is so far away from the sun so it is very cold temperatures ranging from-235 degrees Celsius to-210 degrees Celsius
To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit multiply by 1.8 then add 32.
Celsius(C) , Fahrenheit(F) , Kelvin(K), or Rankine
The hottest temperature in Mexico is: 150 degrees Celsius The coldest temperature in Mexico is: -07 degrees Celsius so between -07 and 150
It is mostly metric meteorology in Mexico. The official weather announcements are in Celsius. Along the US border, various stations and services release data in Fahrenheit for the use of international concerns.
92º Celsius
Oregon does not officially use Celsius
you use a celsius scale when you want to check the weather
Countries that use Celsius use it in their ovens.
Fahrenheit, just like the U.S.
The Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico typically has summit temperatures around 200-300 degrees Celsius.
Paris uses the Celsius temperature scale.
Almost everyone apart from the US uses Celsius.