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They use it to describe the relation of the circumference to the diameter

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Q: How do geometry teachers use pi?
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Who uses Pi?

3.14159265 That Pi? Many people use Pi. I use Pi in my math class.

What are some jobs that use pi?

geometry teacher

What jobs use pi and how?

i. Electrical engineers use pi to solve problems for electrical applications ii. Statisticians use pi to track population dynamics iii. Biochemists see pi when trying to understand the structure/function of DNA iv. Physicists looking into the behaviour of fluid ripples see pi and use it in their calculations v. Clock designers use pi when designing pendulums for clocks vi. Aircraft designers use it to calculate areas of the skin of the aircraft vii. Signal processing and spectrum analysis use pi since the fundamental period of a sine wave is 2*pi. viii. Navigation, such as global positioning (GPS) ix. Solving Mathematics problems in Geometry like finding the area of circle

How do you use pi in geometry?

Working out areas and volumes of circles and spheres respectively

What work force needs to use geometry?

Architecture, constuction, Math teachers, and many others.

Is pi part of geometry?

I think it is

What the value of pi in geometry?


What calculation use the pi number?

There are very many calculations which use pi. Many of them are in geometry: areas of circles and ellipses, volumes of solids of revolution. But there are also many applications in statistics.

What is the geometry formula for pi?

The value of pi is the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter

Why was the symbol of pi first used?

The ancient Greeks did the original work of inventing geometry as we know it, and pi is a letter in the Greek alphabet, so it was a convenient symbol for them to use.

When was Pi Day created?

it was created by dough and a filling now you know when your teachers say not to use this website

How to find out the pi of a circle?

You cannot find the "PI" of anything Pi is a set numerical value, PI = 3.14159265358979323846… (It goes on forever) But in geometry we consider Pi to equal 3.14