you remove the soft top and install the hard top.I am not familiar with any application where the soft top stays on, but it is not impossible. on the Austin Healy 3000's and AC Cobras I build the soft and hard tops use the same mounting points so one has to come off for the other to go on
From what I have read on forums, you should probably use Krylon Fusion paint. I've been looking into this too for a cheap hardtop I might buy. Here is a link that I found helpful on JeepForum.
No, a camera does not add pounds
Most I believe came with a 904 Transmission. Depends for the rear. The auto came with a 2.76 rear, and the stick came with a 3.23-3.55 rear.
Add Insult to Injury was created on 2000-10-16.
u make a headmake wingsu add body and legsu add details
It's in the fuel tank and is accessible through a hole in the boot (Softop) and hatch floor in the hardtop. It has about 8 Phillips screws holding the plate on. Remove that then VACUUM THOROUGHLY or clean the best you can then unscrew the cap you will see under the plate . THIS IS A PICTORIAL GUIDE TO RADIO REMOVAL IN A JEEP WRANGLER 2009. HOPE THIS HELPS YOU THE PICTURE SHOWS REMOVAL OF HARDTOP OR SOFTOP WHICH IS NOT NECESSARY. THIS PDF WAS FOR A SATELLITE RADIO INSTALLATION, BUT IT ALSO SHOWS HOW TO REMOVE THE RADIO.
around $100 if it is in good shape to $200
The 1997 wrangler or jeep hardtop can be replaced by any jeep hardtop from 1997 to 2005. The answer is most probably that a 1995 hardtop will NOT fit a 1997 TJ.
Ford made a hardtop convertible in 1957, 58 and 59.
If that rubicon is also a 4 door jk Wrangler yes.
The safety rating on a hardtop convertible is actually much better than that of the safety rating on a ragtop. The hardtop safety is comparable to that of the solid top standard vehicle.
It should. A 2005 wrangler hardtop fits a 1997 wrangler.
how do you install a hardtop cover from previously having a soft-top 92' corvette?
no....1997 to 2006 excluding unlimited longer wheelbase model
Possible? Yes. If you have enough money, I am sure someone can do it.