With great difficulty. Even drawing at the rate of one side per second, it would take almost 12 days of non-stop effort!
You draw patterns by taking two or more thing and drawing them in a certain order. Example: :)...;)...:0...:)...;)...:0
No. A five sided shape is a pentagon. A hexagon has six sides.
it looks like a diamond shape
An eight-sided three-dimensional shape is called an octohedron.
draw diagonal lines coming from the back of the shape which are shorter down
A million sided shape shape is called a megagon.
5 sided shape = pentagon ._ /. \ \_/
A million sided shape is called a Megagon.
A ten-sided polygon is called a decagon.
You can't make a 4 sided shape with a total of 207
With a pencil and paper
It is called a megagon. A ∞ sided shape is called an apeirogon.
draw an octagon then erase one corner and connect it
a Hecatommyriagon