It depends on the air temperature and the water vapor when the snowflake forms.
Snowflakes are well known for symbolizing uniqueness as no two snowflakes are exactly alike. This is because the conditions under which snowflakes are formed are so unique in each second that they fall that it is virtually impossible that two snowflakes will form in the exact same way. That being said most people get snowflake tattoos because they represent being unique. especially when every snowflake looks the same at first glance, but upon further inspection you see the vast differences beholden to each one.
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sturctural shape is how the top half of an egg looks strange but the shape puts equal amounts of weight at almostevery point in the structure in sort of a ring shape. therefor relating structural shape to strength. by cat
Earth's shape is oblate spheroid.
their shape, each snowflake has a unique shape.
A snowflake would be an irregular figure.
it is related because a snowflake is a symmetrical shape
They fall in Different shape but they are the same shape
a shape that is found in nature with irregular edges or side.ex: snowflake
It Comes From Heaven
It Comes From The Sky
Yes, a snowflake can be considered an organic shape in art due to its natural and irregular form. Organic shapes are often associated with living organisms and nature, so the intricate and unique design of a snowflake fits within this category.
A snowflake typically has 6 branches or arms, so it could be said to have 6 "fingers" in a metaphorical sense.