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a little maths going on...

well, this is maths. lol

didnt quite get your question but....

1km/hour and 1m/second

say you have 10km/h

lets put this in m/s

so 10km are 10000m and 1 h is 3600s, so 10km/h are 10000m/3600s = 2.7777m/s

So 10km/h are 2.777m/s In this case km/h is 10/2.777 times bigger than m/s = 3.6 times bigger.

But take another example!

20km/h lets put this in m/s

So 20km are 20000m and 1h are 3600s, so 20km/h are 20000m/3600s = 5.555m/s

So 20km/h are 5.555m/s In this case km/h is 20/5.555 times bigger than m/s = 3.6 times bigger.

Hey, it gave us the same, so with two examples I came to a conclusion that 1km/1h is 3.6 times bigger than 1m/1s

Hope I'm not wrong, but try to do some more examples by picking any number. Good luck and hope I helped!! :)

Well like i said one time what does this mean

No offense, but I'm not quite sure why you made it so complicated. Also, a meter per second is faster than a kilometer per hour. Try it this way:

In one hour, you go 1000 meters, am I correct? So how many meters can you go in an hour at 1 meter per second? Well, there are 3600 (60 seconds in a minute x 60 minutes in an hour) seconds in an hour, so you can go 3600 meters. Therefore, traveling at a meter per second is 3.6 times faster than traveling at a kilometer per hour. Same answer, just switched around and made simple.

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