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it need 34567ft lol

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Q: How much leaf area does a plant need to survive?
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How do desert plants survive in dry climate?

Because they come from desert and they don't need to to much water.

How much oxygen do plants make in 1 year?

How much oxygen a plant produces will depend on the size of the plant, and the number of leaves on the plant. Each leaf on a plant produces a certain amount of oxygen.

How does the brittle bush adapt to survive in the desert?

in general, brittle bushes in the desert have deep roots to absorb as much water as possible (or is that cacti?) anyway, they have tightly curled leaves that reduce moisture loss. Leaf pubescence (leaf hairs) grow on brittle brush. These leaf hairs reduce the amount of light the plant is able to absorb, therefore limiting the rate of photosynthetic activity.

Can a dog survive a tsunami?

A dog has about as much chance to survive as a person. If they are in the area, a lot of it just has to do with chance.

Will a plant still produce oxygen if you pluck off a leaf?

Leaves do most of the oxygen producing. As long as the plant still has other leaves to process photosynthesis with, plucking one leaf won't do too much harm.

How much photosynthesis does a plant need to produce in order to survive?

glucouse ( a simple sugar!)

What is safe environment?

A place where a plant or animal can survive without much danger surrounding them.

What force causes a leaf to fall more slowly than a penny?

We know that air resistance (or atmospheric drag) is what causes a leaf to fall more slowly than a penny. A large leaf that weighs a much as a penny has a much greater surface area than the penny, and all this surface area means that the leaf has more drag. Though the leaf and penny will be accelerated by the same amount of force (because they have the same mass), the leaf will present all that surface area to the air, and this will set up a condition of high drag.

How does a leaf help a plant grow?

A leaf can help a plant grow because a leaf has something called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. So pretty much a leaf is one way a plant can grow, live, and depend on. Of course it needs more than one to live.

How does the loss of leaves help a plant survive winter or long periods of time?

the loss of leaves help a plant survive winter becuase the plant doesnt have to lose and give water much more

What do leaves do for plants?

Community Answer 1The leaf saves the water and nutrients.___________________________________Community Answer 2Contains the pallisade mesophyll layer which is responsible for photosynthetic activities.

How might the distribution of leaf pigments differ in a leaf that is dark green in color vs one which is lighter green?

A darker green plant means that it has more chlorophyll to photosynthesise. A brighter leaf colour on the other hand shows that, that plant does not require so much chlorophyll to photosynthesise.