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If he's good, he needs a lot. It's not just about creating beautiful spaces. If you don't know how to calculate what stresses your building materials can bear, you will have some problems (and so will the people who occupy your handiwork).

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Q: How much math does an architect need?
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Will I need to take a lot of math classes when learning how to become a architect?

Yes, to become an architect you do indeed need to take a lot of math classes. Your math skills must be fine tuned.

What does a architect do with math?

A architect uses math like meausuring length

Why is math needed to be an architect?

Math is neede to be an architect because you draw the layout of houses and everything so you need to make the sq feet into inches to draw the house the exact way.

Does being an architect require any math skills?

Yes it does. You will need competency in algebra, trigonometry, and calculus.

How many years of math in college do you need to take to become an architect?

The math requirements can vary, however the math can include up to calculus I, II, III, and differential equations.

What must you get in your math exam to be a architect?

an a+

What is the recommended math level for an architecht?

The recommended math level for an architect will be several years of college level math. An architect should be highly skilled in geometry and in any other forms of math that help in design.

Does a architect use math in its careers?


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Where are math useds?

math is used everywhere you go. for example math is in the store, when you calculate the total payments and discounts. another examples are that math can be used as an architect to find perimeters, angles, length, width... even as a truck driver because you need to know how many goods are supposed to be loaded, how much do each weigh...

What jobs require a lot of math?

Architect,Math teacher ,Acountint, scientists and doctor.

Why do pediatritians need math skills?

Pediatritians need math to write all of their prescriptions carefully. (This much of this. That much of that.)