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When taking pictures, it can be used to help calculate exposure when relating f-stops, the aperture and shutter speed. When making prints, it can be used to fine-tune the exposure of the prints with the f-stop and time the paper is exposed to the image.

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16y ago
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16y ago

they use math in many different ways, such as:

calculating the costs of pictures

getting the right number of pics (simple math)

setting the camera to the right angle of degrees they need for a picture

finding how many pictures can be held on their memory card so they know how many to bring (traveling photographers)

they also need to get the lighting and movement correct.

plus more (thats all i can think of right now)

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15y ago

In digital Photography it could be used when editing or taking the picture an example could be changing pixels or maybe angles needed for a picture.

In manual film cameras math is needed much more like when mixing chemicals you need to know the ratio of chemicals to development time and temperature can be a factor also. the aperture on a camera (controls the amount of light let on to the film to capture the image) and shutter time (how long the light is let on to the film) has to be determined. All mostly has to do with times on exposure and chemical ratios.

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14y ago

Freelance photography includes the salary and business mathematical struggles, but in general the math that pertains to photography is in the works of the camera device itself. Aperture settings, shutter speeds, amounts of exposure, angles, along with other settings such as these.

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15y ago

Ummmm, well not as much as other professions such as architecture or accounting, but you do need to know the numbers on the shutter speed and other light values that may factor in.

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15y ago

Photographers use math in ways like, they have to look at the shutter speed. Also they need angles. They need to change pixels sometimes too.

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14y ago

Pixels that make up the image.

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