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for a teepee or for a palace made out of solid gold? what size is a pair of jeans? how much does a house cost? do you mean tract homes or custom homes? how fancy? what part of California? your question is impossible to answer accurately.

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Q: Residential cost per square foot in California?
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In Manchester, VT, the average residential cost per square foot to build a home is about $89.70. This means that a 5,000 square foot home will cost about $448,500 to build.

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figure at least 100 dollars a square foot this will get you in the ballpark

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The average cost per square foot to build a house in Fresno, California, is about $140. This means a 890 square foot home would cost about $124,600 to build.

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It varies between states or company you purchase your square foot of a residential building.

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The construction cost per square foot Bergen County, New Jersey, is determined by where the site is located. Also factored in is the type of building (commercial or residential), the size and the materials used in the construction.

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The cost per square foot in Lee County Alabama is $76.10. Keep in mind that this will not include land cost and site development costs such as drives, utilities or landscape.

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The average rental price per square foot in Orlando Florida is 17.76 dollars per square foot for residential properties. Office property costs are slightly higher.

How much does carpet cost per foot?

This is like asking how much does a car or a house cost. The average price for decent quality residential carpet is around $2.50 per square foot.

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The average cost for building a house is Delaware is $101. 69 per square foot. The average cost to build a home in California is $128. 93 per square foot.