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Templates called French Cerves Simmiler to stensills ANSWER Here's a site that has an index of well known curves: You will notice that a "straight line" is on the list. Although straight lines and line segments do not appear to be curved in the usual sense of the term, in the technical language of mathematics, they are treated as "curves." Associated trivia: Curves constitute the largest (or "strongest" infinity). For example, although the number of whole numbers is infinite, there are more variations of curves than there are whole numbers.

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Q: What are kinds of curve lines?
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Pictures of different kinds of lines?

zigzag lines, vertical lines, horizontal lines, right curve, over curve,left curve, under curve, scallop lines, left slanting lines, right slanting lines

Why successive lines with a change in slope look like a curve?

A curve is formed by lines. If the length of these lines is reduced to zero, we get a very smooth curve.

What do the kinds of lines look like?

VERTICAL LINES-lines that are at right angle and or perpendicular to a plane. HORIZONTAL LINES-lines that are parallel to the horizon. ANGULAR LINES-lines that have sharp edges. They can be long or short. CURVE LINES-lines that are without angles. SLANTING OR DIAGONAL-lines that suggest action or movement. JAGGED LINES-lines that are harsh and unpleasant.

Kinds of lines with their definitions?

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What is the meaning of wavy lines?

a series of curve lines

Straight lines that touch but don't intersect a curve?

Tangent to the curve.

Are latitude and longitude lines curve or straight?

Latitude lines are parallel straight lines that run east-west, while longitude lines are not parallel to each other and appear curved when projected onto a map. Longitude lines converge at the poles and are widest at the equator.

Can parallel lines curve or turn?


What are the types of curved lines?

Restrained , Simple Curve , Full Curve And Compound

What are the types of line in visual arts?

Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curved, patterned, contour, implied, actual?

What was the symbol of pi?

a curve line on top and 2 tall curve lines under it

How do you draw a curve with straight lines?

While a curve is one continuous motion, you can create the illusion of a curve by using straight lines. In order to do this, draw a continuous pattern of short straight lines, while changing the direction of each line slightly.