There is no city to speak of, at precisely that location. The nearest town I could see on the map is Bardhaman, West Bengal, India at 23°14′18″N, 87°51′39″E. Perhaps you wanted Kolkata at 22°34′10.92″N, 88°22′10.92″E?
There's no city there. That point is in a cultivated field about 700 meters from
the shore along Italy's west coast, roughly midway between the coastal towns
of Santa Marinella and Ladispoli.
City-wise, that point is 30.8 kilometers northwest of the east end of Runway-25
at Fiumicino International Airport, serving Rome and the Holy See.
Without more detailed information it is difficult to specify. However, 41 degrees north and 87 degrees west most closely match the location of the greater Chicago metropolitan area.
That point is in the Pacific Ocean, about 24 miles south-southwest of
Honolulu, HI International Airport.
latitude is degrees north or south of the equator and Longitude is degrees east or west of Greenwich
37 degrees North, 22 degrees East.
Latitude lines are imaginary lines that run East to West but measure North to South on the Globe. I remember latitude is fatitude. Longitude lines go North to South but measure East to West. I remember it as LONGitude.
east and west
The latitude and longitude of the port city is 60 degrees north, 24 degrees east.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
latitude 0 north longitude 80 west
latitude 0 north longitude 80 west
The city located at 9 degrees north latitude and 39 degrees east longitude is Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.
Cremona, Italy
60 degrees north latitude and 110 degrees east longitude is a sparsely populated part of Siberia. The nearest city is Ust-Ilimsk.