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I think Roland Muret uses draping only to design his work

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Q: What fashion designer uses draping method?
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A Fashion Designer who uses draping techniques?

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What dress designer uses a butterfly logo?

Australian fashion designer, Justine Guyot, uses a butterfly logo on design labels. The label, The Shanti Butterfly, was founded in 2002.

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I Don't know but i need to find the answer too - have a feeling its a female designer

What use of technology does a Fashion Designer use?

A fashion designer uses lots of technology:-Sewing Machine (to create the clothes themselves)-Computers (to research) (to help them design, as there are fashion programmes)-Cameras and Video Recorders (to record inspiration and ideas whilst on the go)Hope that helps xyes it was very helpful

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What are careers that involve fashion?

OK, well. You can be a model or designer or photographer or assistant or manager. what you need to do first is graduate high school or get a GED then you need to go to collage in which you will have to earn you design licence which in that case will take about 4 to 6 years then you will have to start at the bottom such as at like a salon around you or something small like that and work your way up.

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I don't know about logo but Alexander McQueen uses alot of skull motifs on his work; the knuckle duster clutches, scarves, jackets, tees, rings and dresses all feature skulls.

What designer uses a butterfly as their logo?

I'm pretty sure it is Aeropostale that uses the butterfly logo...but I'm not so sure any designer uses it. :-)

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a website designer

Is Kim Kardashian a fashion designer?

No. Ms. Kardashian is essentially a mobile advertisement for the work of others, including the consultant who chooses the clothing labels she wears. She uses her celibrity of nothing status to move product, nothing more.