MTEXT- well as far as I know, is a type of text option used in drafting programs such as AutoCADD, that makes it easier for multiple lines of text to be treated as one...
Now the Mtext editor and the Mtextfixed values have been improved for better text input visibility. Doing double-click on the Mtext, the Mtext editor will display above it. If you start the command Mtextfixed, a prompt message will display>New current value for MTEXTFIXED
Changes the case of selected text, mtext, attributes and dimension text.Menu: Express>Text Tools>Others>Change Text CaseCommand Entry: TCASE
TextMatch is a specific tool to match both text and Mtext attributes in the current drawing, avoiding select and edit text attributes one by one. You can access from:Menu: Express tools>Text Tools>Text MatchCommand Entry: Textmatch
Moreover you can define many styles for Mleader through the multileader style manager that enables you to control the format and display options as similar to how you use Text Styles and Dimension Styles. You can specify the leader format including the type of leader line (straight, spline, or none) and the type of arrowhead. You can specify the leader structure including whether it is associative. And you can specify the content including the ability to assign a Block rather than Mtext. Because the options of this dialog box are very familiar for most CAD users, we will not give you more details for each one. If you are creating a new Multileader style, you might have to know the different tabs and options within the Multileader Style Manager.