For school.....
folder for each class
notebook for each class
homework for that day
a few mechanical pencils
a few #2 pencils
a red checking pen
pink pearl eraser
agenda book (school supplied)
textbook if needed
book to read
Survival backpack...
Swiss army knife
rope and twine
journal and pencil/pen
hair band
bungee cord
safety pins
deck of cards
good book
Cotton isn't the only fabric you can dye. A polyester backpack can be dyed by using acid dyes where you heat the acid dye with the fabric submersed.
I would think of it as a soft box. Lightly, sketch a rough box shape, add some pockets and straps. Then, go over your lines continually refining to get the feel you want, that backpack feel.
You mean American girl doll? Any kind you want...:)
There are many different places where you can buy a backpack bug sprayer such as Walmart, amazon, ebay. You can also buy these at sporting good stores such as Gander Mountain and Dick's Sporting Goods.
Backpack, baking pans, bath oil, badminton set, baseball & bat, basketball, beverage (wine), bicycle, blanket, book, bridge instructions and boots are gifts.
You just hug the backpack with her
Season 3 Episode 18 -Boots Cuddly Dinosaur "You woke her up" in reference to Backpack. It is a girl.
A school backpack should weigh less then 15 % of your body weight.
a good one
I have lost my backpack.We should go on a backpack trip.He stuffs the water bottle into his backpack.
They are nice backpacks. But If you a girl (or guy whatever) you should look at other athletic wear websites & start a new trend. I noticed that Puma is coming back in
At Cliff Park, just press on her backpack to launch the Hang Glider girl.
you really don't have that much books so I think a backpack is best (people might kick your roller backpack in line)
you buy a rugrats backpack and fill it with gas in little waterbottles then you point them all down and light..then you should be flying....or you could get high with a backpack on
Just press her backpack to send her on her way.