A small skinny car is best. you can even cut out peices of wood in the shape to make it lighter.
Best to get all six sides of the boards while you're building (if you can).
On occasion but generally don't seem to be in the best shape. A local hobbiest or specialized pet shop would be your best bet.
If you want plans for a hostel building, your best option is to consult an architect. You can contribute your ideas and the architect will work on those. Well you cannot negotiate things right that way if you do not have budget too.
Depends where you are or how big it is, but the best idea is to get to high ground as soon as possible. If you are caught by a tsunami, best to hold onto something behind a building or something sturdy.
Gas mileage can vary significatly due to a variety of circumstances. Its a safe bet that newer and more areodynamic models of Semi Trucks will offer the best in miles per gallon.
Triangles are the strongest type of shape. It is very sturdy, but takes up little space. It is the best for building bridges.
use your imagination or..... you could make it as good as a monster truck. it suits well to all cars.
A building maintenance program can be used to keep the building in top running shape and it can be used to make sure all necessary repairs are completed in a timely manner. But the best use would be to do preventative maintenance.
Typically, the best shape for a rose vase is tall and slender.
A sphere
in the shape off boot
Me and my partner are planning on building a shed in our property, what's the best material to build a shed?
working drawing are made for building or constructing an object. the drawing must show the exact shape and size. this can best be done by making a drawing of two, three or more views.
The best wing shape for sn airplane is like a triangle because it fly straight