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When a map is to 'scale' it means there is a specific key and all distances on the map have been measured precisely to the scale listed in the key. In other words, you can rely upon the information as being accurate. When a map is "not to scale" this measure of accuracy has not been checked. Some distances may be accurate, or really close, but you should not rely upon the information as fact.

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Q: Why does a map say not to scale?
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How does a scale strip help measure distances on a map?

That distance on the scale, that's how many miles or kilometers are represented on that map. It'll say on the scale.

What does the map scale represnt on the map?

The map scale represents the ratio of the map to the real thing. For example, a map scale might say that 1 inch equals 1 mile. That would mean that every inch on the map represents a mile for the real thing.

What does it mean when you say that a map is drown to scale?

It is drawn to full size

Does changing a map scale change actual distances?

No, changing a map scale does not change the actual distances on the ground. It only changes the representation of those distances on the map. The scale ratio helps to accurately represent features in a smaller or larger proportion on the map compared to reality.

How do you Use Scale in a sentence?

You didn't say which meaning of the word you wanted to use. If you mean scale as in a device to measure weight, you could say "I stepped on the scale and prayed that I had lost weight." If you mean scale like a fish or reptile has, you could say "I found a snake scale in the woods." If you mean scale like on a map, you could say "The scale of this map is one inch equals one mile." If you mean scale as in to climb, you could say "We plan to scale Mount Baldy this weekend."

How does a scale strip help you measure distances on a map?

A scale strip is a small ruler with varying units that represents the proportion between a distance on the map and the actual distance on Earth. By using the scale strip, you can measure distances on the map accurately by aligning it with the map's scale and converting the measurement based on the scale ratio provided.

Why does a scale need a map?

The map needs a scale so that distances on the map can be worked out.

What is large map scale?

Here is a little trick to know how to tell the difference between a large scale map, and a small scale map. A large scale map is a map where your house would look large on it. For example, a map of your neighborhood, or a map of you area. (You can see you house on this map) A small scale map is a map where your house would look small on it (or you can't see it at all), like a map of the world, or a map of Europe. So large scale = large house small scale = small house.

What is the definition map scale?

A large scale map is a map with much more detail and focus in a particular area. For example, a map of a neighborhood or street compared to a small scale map, a map of Europe.

How many inches on a map represent twelve miles?

The answer depends on the scale of the map.The answer depends on the scale of the map.The answer depends on the scale of the map.The answer depends on the scale of the map.

What is the key on the map that tells distance on a map?

This is known as the scale.

How do you use a scale map?

you use a map scale by measuring by inches