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it is scientifically proven that a ball of glass bounces higher than a ball of rubber. No cause the glass would break if you drop it to high and the rubber one would not ! It depends on wether or not your counting the height the shards fly up.

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Q: Will a ball of glass Bounce higer then a ball of Rubber?
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What kind of ball doesn't bounce?

A glass ball. Glass is a material that does not have elasticity like rubber, so when a glass ball is dropped, it will not bounce.

Does a glass ball bounce higher tha a rubber ball?

No, a rubber ball usually bounces higher than a glass ball due to the difference in elasticity between the two materials. Rubber is more elastic and capable of storing and releasing more energy during impact, which allows it to bounce higher. Glass is brittle and absorbs more of the impact energy, resulting in lower bounce height.

What will bounce higher then a rubber ball?

A superball or a bouncy ball with higher elasticity than a rubber ball would likely bounce higher due to their ability to store and release more kinetic energy upon impact.

What Ball Would Not Bounce?

A glass ball will not bounce.

Would a wooden ball bounce higher or a rubber ball bounce higher if dropped from the same height?

rubber ball

Will a ball of glass bounce higher then a ball of rubber?

No, a ball of glass will not bounce higher than a ball of rubber because glass is rigid and lacks elasticity compared to rubber, which is flexible and can store more energy upon impact, allowing it to bounce higher.

Does a cold rubber ball bounce?

Yes, a cold rubber ball can still bounce. The bounce height might be slightly lower compared to when the ball is warm due to the rubber hardening in colder temperatures, but it will still exhibit bouncing behavior.

What makes a golf ball bounce high?

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What would bounce higher if dropped at the same height a wooden ball or rubber ball?

The rubber ball would bounce higher than the wooden ball when dropped at the same height. Rubber is an elastic material that can store and release more energy upon impact compared to wood, resulting in a higher bounce.

Which would bounce higher a golf ball a rubber ball or ping pong ball?

A rubber ball would generally bounce higher than a golf ball or a ping pong ball due to its elasticity and ability to store and release energy upon impact. Ping pong balls, being lightweight and hollow, can also bounce quite high but may not have the same level of bounce as a rubber ball. Golf balls are designed for low bounce as they are meant to stay on the ground when hit.

Which ball bounce more tennis ball baseball cricket ball or rubber ball?

It's tennis ball.

What is the best ball to bounce?

A super ball or a high-bounce ball typically has the best bounce due to its rubber composition and design. These balls are specifically engineered to maximize bounce height and are popular for various recreational activities.