i really dont know the answer to this question..ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..well..all i can say is try and eat a crayon if u throw up, get sick,or even feel the littlest to bit queezy..ur question is answered..and 4 all u folks that think this answer is rediculas..............................................................................i know
i don't thing gum is toxic so i wouldn't think it any more harmful than eating a pack of crayons... and i know that crayons are edible.
crayons = Malkreide (sing.) crayons = Farbkreide (sing.) crayons = Buntstifte (pl.) crayons = Wachsstifte (pl.)
crayons - les crayons which means pencils. If coloured, they are crayons de couleur.
So there are 22 total crayons. 22:6 is 11:3
It means crayons but crayons in French translated in English is pencils.
70 crayons. 90-20=70
les crayons
No,you do not Recyce Crayons
All crayons are made of wax.Since wax float,all crayon should float.If crayons have heavy pigments in them, then they will sink in water. Metallic crayons will sink, and some glitter crayons as well.
The plural form for the singular crayon is crayons!
No, crayons are made of wax.
the pencils. (it should be - les crayons)